Writing an Essay
Alonzo Bump & Friend Story
Writing a Biographical Essay
Writing about Albert S. Green
Page 4 Extension f


Writing about Albert S. Green
Gathering Data


November 25, 1863
Second and Third Page


Code: Yellow print is commentary added by website author.

Alonzo Bump's Comments about
Albert S. Green
in Civil War Letters

"You sed that A S Green had Bin thair i ame Glad that hee Got home and i hope hee will have a Good time But i hope that hee will come Back again so we can all Git a chance to come home this wintar...Dear you sed that you had caught me now for Shoing my Lettars Well i don't know But what you have But A S Green nevar see eny of my Letters only some times i would read Som of them to him and hee would read some if hiss to me and then we would have a Good Laugh again."

Camp at Brandys Station - November 10, 1863


"Dear A S Green haint come Yet and i don't know as hee will Before we Git in to wintar Quartors."

Camp Near Brandy Station- November 25, 1863

(Note: Look at A. S. Green's Muster Record. Did he eventually return to his regiment?)

Muster Record Review
