Writing an Essay
Alonzo Bump & Friend Story
Writing a Biographical Essay
Primary Source Document Basics
Page 3 Extension c-1

Primary Source Document

October 24, 1861

Saratogian Transcription

Home Matters
The Bemis Heights Regiment

"Camp Schuyler" presents an animated appearance about these days, particularly every afternoon, when crowds of spectators are added to the hundreds of soldiers engaged in drill, or on parade. The Fair Grounds have put on the air of a regular military station. Floral Hall is now filled with bunks for the soldiers - a hospital has been erected on the west side of the grounds - and the Eating House has received extensive additions to furnish accomodations for our growing army.

The number of soldiers belonging to the various companies, and sworn in, on Tuesday last, as near as we could ascertain, was as follows: Capt. Arnold's Company 87; Capt. Hill's, 91; Capt. Judson's, 72; Capt. French's, 69; Capt. Wood's, 61; Capt. Rice's, 70; Capt. Beach's, 80; Capt. Lansing's, 60; Capt. Andrew's, 35; Capt. Babcock's, 64; Band, 16 - Total, 705. Many more are on the rolls of each company, who have not yet mustered in.

It will be seen that OVER SEVEN HUNDRED men are in the camp belonging to the Bemis Heights Regiment. Seven of the companies have been raised exclusively in Saratoga County. This fact is flattering to the pride of every loyal man in the county. Two companies are from Essex, and one from Fulton. About three hundred more men are needed to fill up the regiment to the maximum standard.

Military men, who have visited the Camp, are profuse in their praises of the excellent material of which the regiment is composed, the ability of the officers, and the perfection in drill already acquired. Major Henderson, the commandant of the post, joins in this opinion. It is gratifying to hear these testimonials. We have no doubt the Bemis Heights Regiment will be one of the finest in the service. The task of maintaining the honor of Saratoga and emulating the fame of our revolutionary anuals will be confided mainly to its keeping, and it will be hekd in kindly remembrance by all our people. The brave sons of Saratoga should therefore promptly fill up the ranks, that it may go forth to the discharge of its duty without delay.

