3.(rdly) The whole wheels by Division to the left and
practice the Same vice versa, ------- 4th the Brigade
clase and advance to the front to the center of the
lines and the whole advances and accomodate
the front to points of view given, and upon the
signal given the whole will display and fire as
they Dress-------------5.th the whole
wheels by Divisions to the Right and upon the
march back to camp, they form Plattoons-------
H(Q) the firing are to be repeated twice each time
and the signals are to be Discharges of Pistolls,
The Barron will Probable attend Tomorrow mor-
ning and his Excellency, in the afternoon
and the greatest attention therefore will be
William Davis Inspector
Photocopy and transcriptions taken
from xeroxed materials in the Jacob Purdy House
application for the National Register of Historic Places.
Uncertain words or letters placed in parentheses. Order of pages 2 and 3 unclear. Pages are
possibly missing.