Instructions May 15th 1778
Tomorrow morning at the Hours of Exercise the
Brigades of (Loc)hards J Pattersons as well as those
(Mu)linburgs and Wedons will unite, and the two
Divisions will form their Battalions each unless
orders to the contrary should be given, and they will
March by Platoons from the Right, and at the
word will form Divisions, upon the first Signal
which will be the firing of a Pistoll, they will
close the columns & advance, on the 2nd Signal
each column will display to the left, and give
two fires by Division as they display, they will
then advance, and charge Bayonettes, at the word
Battalion, they will Halt and give two fires
from Right to left-----------
(2 ndly) The whole wheels by Divisions to the Right,
on the first Signal they close column, and on the
2nd Signal display to the left, and fires as they drop
Photocopy and transcriptions taken from xeroxed materials in
the Jacob Purdy House application for the National Register of
Historica Places. Uncertain words or letters placed in parentheses. Pages are possibly missing.
the Jacob Purdy House application for the National Register of
Historica Places. Uncertain words or letters placed in parentheses. Pages are possibly missing.