A 19th Century Correspondence of Friendship and Family
A Letter from Susan Knapp to her Cousin Maria Rogers
Bedford Historical Society
for comfort--and it must have been a great comfort that she was
so situated that he could be with her, which no doubt was very
gratifying to both.
If you have not heard from William I think you must
feel very anxious to hear, he has again disappointed us in not coming
soon after you were here, we saw an account of his leaving New Orleans
for Boston, when he met with a severe gale and put into Savannah to
(ill.) the Vessel was considerably injured, from there he wrote to Knapp & Bush that he would soon sail for Boston, but should not come here.
Uncle Luke set out immediately for B--he was there a day or two
before W--arrived, he went on the wharf and inquired if the Susan
arrived was told that she had just come in he stood by the
Vessel some minutes before William observed him, when he exclaimed
why Uncle is it you, both W-- and the Vessel looked very much wheather
beaten, he had had a long and boisterous passage, sustained a great
deal of injury, he had not shaven in a long time and his whiskers
met, how altered he must have looked, but enjoyed good health--
he was repairing and expected to sail for N. Orleans last Sunday
and expects to stay at the South this winter. I think he must be
quite tired of the water by this time, it must be a very laborious
life, I wish sincerely he was well situated on the land, but he does
not complain, perhaps he likes it better than we imagine he can.
Uncle Luke moved his wife 4 weeks since, she is quite
sociable and they all appear to live very pleasantly--Uncle appears
to enjoy himself very much, I wish every bachelor would follow his
example--you know that I am an advocate for matrimony as well as your
self, as I told you I expect you will be provided for before I see
you again. The time that you apppointed to return will soon arrive
Comment: William is likely Maria's brother. Uncle Luke is likely Justin Luke Bush, the child of Sarah Scudder Isaacs after her marriage to David Bush. See Family Tree. (ill.) represents an illegible word.