Writing an Essay
Alonzo Bump & Friend Story
Writing a Biographical Essay
Enriching a Biographical Essay
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Enriching a
Biographical Essay

An informative and well-written biographical essay generally develops from knowing a lot about the subject. Gather as much information as possible, preferably from primary source documents. When researching, keep asking questions and keep thinking about where to look next for more facts. Important also is to place the person's life within an era's social patterns.

At times, a person's life may show a common historical trend usually mentioned in textbooks. In other cases, the way an era's social, political, or economic events effect an individual make an interesting essay theme. For the sample essay, A. S. Green's loss of rank during the Civil War became this thread.

Writing a short essay from readily available material helps to show where more investigation is needed. The sources for A. S. Green did not offer information about his life from his birth until about 1856, what he did at Saratoga Manufacturing, or what happened to him after the war. Questions such as, "Who were his parents?," and "Did he have a wife and children?," remain unanswered.

Modern day maps sometimes help historians answer geography questions and provide leads as to where to look for information. From the map, Lincolnville lies near the Atlantic Coast. A. S. Green's family may then have been involved with trades related to fishing and ship building.

Places to look for more information:
Albert S. Green's 1819 birth record in Lincolnville, Maine, if in existence, may identify his parents. Saratoga Springs and Lincolnville state and federal

Maine to New York Map

censuses, as well as city directories, may provide clues as to his pre-war and post-war life. Genealogical websites, as www.familysearch.org (Latter Day Saints), may also be helpful.

Albert's Muster Record represents one part of his military file. He likely also had a pension record. Websites which may provide more information about his military file include: www.archives.gov/research/civil-war (Government Archives) and www.itd.nps.gov/cwss/ ( National Park Service's Civil War Soldiers and Sailors).

Try the Familysearch website.....Type in Albert Green for name. Then choose the birth/christening option, type in 1819 for the birth year, and select exact year. Next choose United States for the country and the state of Maine. What do you discover about A. S. Green in 1880?

Try the NPS's Civil War Soldiers and Sailors website.....Select the soldier option on the front page. On the second page, type in Albert's name, choose the union army and state of New York. Type in 77 for regimental unit, and choose infantry as the function. What do you notice about the information? Answers to questions provided on next page.
